Ella si vergogna di mettersi una rosa

Galleria Neon di Bologna, 1998.

On the upper floor a series of black and white photographs are presented, on the lower floor a small sculpture in the large space of the totally dark gallery.
A few months after the cloning of Dolly the sheep (1996), a reflection on the proliferation of objects representing animals arose. The imitation of their features is superimposed on the objects, functional or otherwise, with which we surround ourselves. In large quantities and in the most disparate forms, they invade every corner of our homes, sometimes with a consoling function.
The interest is in the extreme situations of sculpture, talking about sculpture in other ways or recognizing it in the pre-existing forms of everyday life.

Umanità illustrata, 1998, wood, papier-maché, sand, Cernit cm 70 x 35 x 36

Below, model of a quarry, made from a photograph by Bernd and Hilla Becher; above, model of draped robes, made from a painting by William Hogarth

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Photographs mounted on aluminium, 1998, cm 70 x 100

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