Research on the concept of system for displaying sculpture
Dall’opaco (W), 2020, glazed pottery and wood, cm 25,5 x 51,5 x 27
A complex but ordered system makes visible the mapping of a space, in which small forms find their place, articulated as a language would articulate sounds and signs. The contained size allows the sculpture to be approached with the eyes of the mind rather than those of the body.
Io non so, 2020, glazed pottery and wood, cm 36 x 30 x 19
Dall’opaco (Y), 2020, glazed pottery and wood, cm 25,5 x 52 x 27,5

Cattivi pensieri, 2019, glazed pottery and wood, cm 20 x 28 x 15
Cattivi pensieri, 2019-2023, glazed pottery and wood, cm 20 x 33,5 x 23
Se stesso, 2020, glazed ceramic and wood, cm 200 x 28 x 28, woodcut cm 50 x 70
Se stesso (T), 2020, glazed pottery and wood, cm 215 x 30 x 30, xylography cm 50 x 70
Scendere, 2020, glazed pottery and wood, cm 53,5 x 51 x 44,5
“Out in the world, no one sleeps. No one, no one.
No one sleeps.
There is a corpse in the farthest graveyard
complaining for three years
because of an arid landscape in his knee”
F. Garcia Lorca

Francis, 2020, glazed pottery and wood, cm 31,5 x 33 x 25

Lasciare, 2021, glazed pottery and wood, cm 16 x 32 x 27
to let go, to stop holding or tightening, to let go of a rope,
the throttle, the bridle, to lay down an object, to cease to hold on to it;
to leave someone or something, to leave the world, this life,
to leave the familiar for the unknown, to leave someone speechless, to leave a mark,
to leave a footprint, to let something be.

Rovesciare, 2021, glazed pottery and wood, cm 18,5 x 27 x 22,5
to turn, to turn the situation around, to turn the soil with a hoe,
to turn out one’s pockets, to turn someone’s perspective around, to overturn governments,
to turn around a hypothesis, to turn the tables on power relations, to turn one’s gaze,
to spill the coffee.
Come dire che due ragazzi, 2023, glazed pottery and wood, cm 38 x 20 x 23,5
Dall’opaco (B), 2023, glazed pottery and wood, cm 47 x 100 x 54