The Galleria Milano space is like a two-headed being: one head on the right, one on the left. In between is the body, the space of action.
Upon entering, one enters a current travelled along for years from right to left and vice versa. A necessary path in which objects, works, people, thoughts, books, scattered papers and voices have continued to flow like fish in an ocean current.
Nothing/Something, in addition to originating from the topographical context of the gallery, touches on a theme with which we are very often confronted, whenever a thought – in its intuitive, still formless state – is chosen by our will to become clear form, externally communicable; when an idea among dozens becomes a work; when an intention becomes a project. There is a threshold that divides the various stages, that separates being nothing from being something.
The project includes several sculptures and an action created by art performer and choreographer Claudia Caldarano. The choreography focuses on echoing the infinite possibilities that must be given up when our will chooses one form over another, one gesture over another.
Nothing/Something , project by Manuela Cirino with Claudia Caldarano, Galleria Milano – 20 May 2022
Performance for the exhibition: Here. Between not-yet and no-more, Galleria Milano, 9 May – 30 June 2022.