To carry/To be carried

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Asino seduto, 2009, glazed ceramic and wood, cm 45 x 26 x 35

The sculpture supports its own base

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Care sorelle, 1995, plaster and building, real size

Architecture becomes the base of the sculpture.
The interior space of the gallery is left completely empty. On the external cornice, inserted in a context of industrial archeology, four plaster sculptures are installed that reproduce the figure of the artist. A tribute to all Le déjeuner sur l'herbe. Le déjeuner sur l’herbe.

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Care sorelle, 1995, detail

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Io che porto Enea che porta suo padre, 1995/96, photographs mounted on aluminium, cm 180 x 150

What does it mean today to look at sculpture from the past?
A photograph by Man Ray depicts Aeneas carrying his father Anchises carved in a mandrake root. From it comes a new sculpture, held in the hands.
The artist as the basis of the sculpture.

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Io che porto Enea che porta suo padre, 1995/96, photographs mounted on aluminium, cm 40 x 30, Chiesa di Sant’Agostino, Bergamo

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L’idea fissa, 1995, photograph mounted on aluminium, Cibachrome, wood and cardboard, cm 220 x 380 x 240

Which path does a thought take while it takes shape and becomes an idea?

L’idea fissa, 1995, detail.