You are what you are

A photo reportage made with a terracotta sculpture: the sculpture is photographed in different environments, indoors and outdoors, changing its nature, thanks to the context in which it is placed each time.
The photographic shot implements a levelling of meaning: sculpture and surrounding nature are subject to the same interpretative gaze.
Some of these photographs are chosen to become sculptures again.

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You are what you are 1, 1994, wood, fabric, clay, cm 25 x 120 x 40

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You are what you are 2, 1994, wood, fabric, clay, cm 35 x 80 x 40

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You are what you are 3, 1994, wood, cm 80 x 90 x 40

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You are what you are 4, 1994, photograph mounted on aluminium, cm 80 x 120